In Peru and Bolivia, we’ve been loyal partners to some of our favorite artisans for nearly 20 years, and we visit every year. Under fair-trade principles, we work with them on both materials sourcing and ethical manufacturing, including our baby alpaca fleece and merino wool.

70% forest and known for its woodworking traditions, Latvia is a small European country on the Baltic Sea. Our furniture is made there in a socially responsible FSC facility with state-of-the-art dust collection to protect workers and the environment. Waste is recycled through licensed facilities, and wood waste is reprocessed at the factory into briquettes, which are then used to heat the factory during Latvia's cold winters.

Our home team is currently based in Brooklyn. People sometimes think we're a big company, but we're really just nine nonconformists obsessed with design and ethical supply chains, doing our best to manage the daily juggle.